Hotels Information

Planning your stay for IEEE NANO 2024 in Gijón? We have curated a list of recommended hotels to ensure your comfort and convenience during the conference. While accommodations are subject to availability, a limited number of rooms are available with a discount code exclusively for conference attendees. To secure your discounted rate, simply reach out to us at after completing your registration. 

As the conference dates coincide with one of the high peaks of the summer season in Gijón, we encourage attendees to book their accommodations as soon as possible to secure their preferred options. 

Beware of Scam Emails Regarding Conference Travel Arrangements: Recently, there have been reports of individuals receiving deceptive emails posing as legitimate travel agents or conference organizers. These emails typically request personal information, such as arrival and departure dates, and may even ask for payment or deposit for accommodation reservations. However, these emails are designed to deceive and can result in financial loss or the compromise of sensitive personal data. Please note that these emails are not from any legitimate travel agency or conference organizer associated with our event. We urge you to remain vigilant and cautious when receiving unsolicited emails related to conference travel arrangements. In case of any doubts, reach out to us at ieeenano2024@azulcongresos.

Hotel Zentral Rey Pelayo
Hotel Príncipe de Asturias
Hotel Silken Ciudad Gijón