Our motto: An extended bridge to Latin America

Monday 8 July - 16:00 PM - 19:20 PM

Laboral Ciudad de la Cultura of Gijón

The motto for IEEE NANO 2024, “An extended bridge to Latin America”, reflects our commitment to fostering inclusivity and knowledge exchange across borders. As part of this initiative, we are hosting a tutorial session with invited speakers delivering their presentations in Spanish and Portuguese. These talks will be live-subtitled in English, facilitating seamless communication. The session will be streamed online, allowing students from across Latin America to participate. This approach exemplifies our dedication to creating a bridge for knowledge and collaboration, uniting the scientific community in a spirit of diversity and cooperation. Check our program here.

The Special Session on Our Motto: An Extended Bridge to Latin America will be held in the beautiful building of the Laboral Ciudad de la Cultura of Gijón. (More information on the venue here)


Diana Leitao
Department of Applied Physics and Science Education, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), The Netherlands.

Sensores magnéticos (PT)
Magnetic sensors (EN)


Diana Leitao graduated in Applied Physics from University of Porto, and has a PhD in Physics from University of Porto and Materials Science Institute of Madrid ICMM-CSIC. She then joined INESC Microsystems and Nanotechnologies in Lisbon, first as a postdoctoral researcher, and later as a FCT Investigator Starting Grantee to lead her research line in magnetic nanodevices.  Since September 2021 she has been an Assistant Professor at Eindhoven University of Technology. Her research focus is on exploring novel thin-film stackings, designs, and hybrid technology integration to improve the performance of magnetoresistive sensing devices and provide added functionalities.  Diana Leitao actively contributes to the international magnetism community via IEEE Magnetics Society and European Magnetism Association (EMA). She is also involved in the organization of main conferences in her research area.

Franciscarlos Gomes da Silva
Instituto de Física, University of Brasília, Brazil.

 Nanopartículas para Biomedicina (PT)
Nanoparticles for Biomedicine (EN)


Dr. Franciscarlos Gomes da Silva. is Ph.D. in Physics (2013) with a co-tutelle thesis between Sorbonne Université (Paris VI, Paris-France) and Universidade de Brasilia (UnB-Brasília- Brazil). He was a postdoctoral researcher at University of Brasília (2013–2018) and at Istituto di Struttura della Materia at the Nanostrucutred Magnetic Materials Laboratory in Rome, Italy (2017). Currently, he is a collaborator researcher at the Instituto de Física at University of Brasília. His current research is related to the design and synthesis of magnetic nanomaterials, to the study of the magnetic properties of magnetic nanoparticles assemblies and the development of advanced magnetic nanomaterials for several applications.

Isabel Díaz
Instituto de Catálisis y Petroleoquímica (ICP-CSIC), Spain.

Zeolitas nanomodificadas para purificar el agua (ES)
Nano-modified zeolites to purify water (EN)


Isabel Díaz got her PhD in Chemistry in 2001, with research leaves at University of St. Andrews (UK), Lund University (Sweden), and Tohoku University (Japan). She was a Fulbright Fellow at the University of Massachusetts and the University of Minnesota during 2002 and 2003. She is currently a Senior Researcher at Instituto de Catálisis y Petroleoquímica, ICP-CSIC in Madrid, Spain. She is also Adjunct Professor at the Chemistry Department of Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, were she was recruited as Full Professor for six years (2010-2016). 

In June 2022 Dr. Díaz was appointed Deputy Vice-president of International Cooperation of CSIC. Her unit handles the strategy of the large international infrastructures at CSIC, as well as international cooperation with Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean.

Jorge Luis Cholula-Díaz
School of Engineering & Sciences, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico.

Síntesis verde de nanoestructuras (ES)
Green synthesis of nanostructures (EN)

Jorge Luis Cholua

Dr. Jorge Luis Cholula-Díaz received his doctoral degree from the University of Leipzig (Germany) in 2013. Since 2015, Dr. Cholula-Díaz has been research professor at the School of Engineering and Sciences at Tecnologico de Monterrey (Mexico). His scientific research is focused on the green synthesis of different types of nanomaterials (noble metals and metal oxides) with diverse applications in nanomedicine, electrocatalysis and photocatalysis. Dr. Cholula-Díaz is member of the Mexican National Research System (SNI) and the Mexican Chemical Society.


Monday 8 July

  • 16:00 Opening
  • 16:05 Ciencia divertida: experimentos caseros con Javier Fernández Panadero (Funny science: home-made experiments)
  • 16:20  Isabel Díaz (CSIC, Spain): Zeolitas nanomodificadas para purificar el agua (Nano-modified zeolites to purify water).
  • 17:00 Franciscarlos Gomes da Silva (Instituto de Física, University of Brasília, Brazil): Nanopartículas para Biomedicina (Nanoparticles for Biomedicine)
  • 17:40 Coffee break
  • 18:00 Jorge Luis Cholula-Díaz (Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico): Síntesis verde de nanoestructuras (Green synthesis of nanostructures).
  • 18:40 Diana Leitao (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands): Sensores magnéticos (Magnetic sensors).
  • 19:20 Closing