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Special Invited Sessions: Session Proposal & Invited Abstract/Paper Submissions
- Session Proposal Deadline: Session Proposal Deadline:
1 February 2024New Deadline: 5 February 2024
- Abstract/Paper Deadline: 31 March 2024
- Submit abstracts using the abstract template via online submission site
- Or submit full papers (4-6 pages) in the IEEE style if Invited Speakers would like to publish their conference contents in Xplore.
How to Submit SIS Proposal (by Session Proposer)
To Submit a Proposal
SIS proposal should be submitted by a designated “Corresponding Proposer” (i.e., one of the organizers of each invited session) with his/her PIN according to the steps below:
- Go to the Online Submission Site.
- Follow the link to “Submit a Contribution to NANO 2024” to the right of the NANO 2024 listing.
- Select the “Special Session Proposal“ as the type of submission.
- Fill in the information about “Title, Proposers* and Keywords“; and then continue to the next page.
- Upload your “Session Proposal**” in a PDF, MS-Word, or Latex (Note: The main.tex file should be called root.tex)
* NOTE: “Proposers” should be entered through their PIN numbers and every proposer must have a PIN.
- If you have submitted papers to prior NANO conferences: You should have your PIN number. You can retrieve your or co-proposers’ existing PIN or set/reset your PASSWORD in the PIN Wizard at the submission site.
- If you have never submitted papers to NANO conferences: You should set your PIN and PASSWORD in the PIN Wizard at the submission site. The same should be done for the proposers without PIN.
** NOTE: Proposers should prepare their abstracts using the proposal template.
※ Special NOTE to SIS Proposer:
- The online submission site (i.e., Papercept) will generate a code when a SIS proposal is submitted. The proposer can change the code or leave it as is.
- Inform the code to the speakers invited by the proposer and encourage them to use the code when submitting abstracts, such that the abstracts can be automatically classified to the associated SIS session.
To Update an Existing Submission
- Go to the Online Submission Site.
- Login with your PIN and PASSWORD; and go to the author workspace for NANO 2024.
- Follow the link to “Update Submission Information” or to “Reupload” the proposal file.
How to Submit SIS Abstract/Paper (by Invited Speaker)
To Submit an Abstract or Paper
Abstract in SIS should be submitted by a designated “Corresponding Author” with his/her PIN according to the steps below:
- Go to the Online Submission Site.
- Follow the link to “Submit a Contribution to NANO 2024” to the right of the NANO 2024 listing.
- Select one of the following as the type of submission:
- “Special Session Abstract” if submitting one-page abstract, OR
- “Special Session Paper” if submitting a full paper (4-6 pages)
- Fill in the information about “Title, Authors*, Keywords, and Abstract” (NOTE: Use the code provided by the Session Organizer to classify the abstract to the associated SIS session); and then continue to the next page.
- Upload your “Abstract**” or “Paper” in a PDF, MS-Word, or Latex (Note: The main.tex file should be called root.tex) Images must be in jpg or png format.
* NOTE: “Authors” should be entered through their PIN numbers and every author must have a PIN.
- If you have submitted papers to prior NANO conferences: You should have your PIN number. You can retrieve your or co-authors’ existing PIN or set/reset your PASSWORD in the PIN Wizard at the submission site.
- If you have never submitted papers to NANO conferences: You should set your PIN and PASSWORD in the PIN Wizard at the submission site. The same should be done for the co-authors without PIN.
** NOTE: Authors should prepare their abstract using the abstract template.
To Update an Existing Submission
- Go to the Online Submission Site.
- Login with your PIN and PASSWORD; and go to the author workspace for the NANO 2024.
- Follow the link to “Update Submission Information” or to “Reupload” the proposal file